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8th HyMeX workshop 15-18 September 2014, La Valletta, Malta
Workshop program

Oral presentations
Monday    Tuesday    Wednesday    Thursday   

HyMeX ST and side-event meetings

Monday 15 September 2014
08:30 - 09:15 Registration

Registration and delivery of material

09:15 - 09:45 Opening session

V. Ducrocq
(pdf of presentation)

E. Ruellan (MISTRALS)
(pdf of presentation)

09:45 - 10:30 M1 - Heavy precipitation - IOP studies
Chair: V. Ducrocq
09:45 M1.1 - Should we go further in observational resolution? Diagnostic study of a high impact weather episode in the Western Mediterranean region: IOP8 a HyMeX case
(pdf of presentation)
S. Khodayar, F. Raff
10:00 M1.2 - High-resolution simulations of SOP1-HyMeX intense precipitation events: assessing the impact of model horizontal resolution
(pdf of presentation)
S. Davolio, C. Bassi, S. Mariani
10:15 M1.3 - Influence of the interaction of the Alps with two troughs on WRF forecasts during HyMeX
(pdf of presentation)
E. Pichelli, R. Rotunno, R. Ferretti

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 - 12:15 M2 - Continental hydrological cycle
Chair: I. Braud
11:00 M2.1 - Applying the Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) Project Hydroclimatology Panel’s (GHP’s) Regional Hydroclimate Project (RHP) Research Strategy to meet climate science challenges
(pdf of presentation)
P. Van Oevelen, S. Benedict, J. Evans, J. Polcher
11:15 M2.2 - Global Earth Observation for Integrated Water Resource Assessment: regional relevance of global products
(pdf of presentation)
J. Schellekens, P. Drobinski, G. Sterk, P. Quintana-Seguí
11:30 M2.3 - Meeting user needs using comprehensive datasets in the Earth2Observe project
(pdf of presentation)
M. Werner, P. Quintana-Seguí, C. Linés Díaz, G. Míguez-Macho, G. Sterk
11:45 M2.4 - Validating land surface models by comparing simulated L-Band brightness temperatures with SMOS observations
(pdf of presentation)
A. Barella Ortiz, J. Polcher, M. Piles, E. Gelati, P. De Rosnay
12:00 M2.5 - Diagnosing the value of improved models and datasets in predicting drought condition in Spain
(pdf of presentation)
P. Quintana-Seguí, G. Míguez-Macho, G. Sterk, M. Werner

12:15 - 14:15 Lunch break

14:15 - 15:45 M3 - Data assimilation
Chair: B. Ivanèan Picek
14:15 M3.1 - Evaluation of the 1st AROME_WMED reanalysis of SOP1 and plans for the 2nd AROME_WMED reanalysis
(pdf of presentation)
N. Fourrié, M. Nuret, E. Bresson, C. Jany, P. Brousseau, A. Doerenbecher, H. Bénichou
14:30 M3.2 - Assimilation of LEANDRE II water observations: impact study on the HyMeX SOP1 precipitation forecasts
(pdf of presentation)
E. Richard, N. Fourrié, M. Faivre, S. Bielli, C. Flamant
14:45 M3.3 - Multiple Doppler radar data assimilation with WRF 3D-Var: retrospective studies of the IOP4 during the SOP1
(pdf of presentation)
I. Maiello, R. Ferretti, L. Baldini, N. Roberto, E. Picciotti, S. Gentile, P.P. Alberoni, F.S. Marzano
15:00 M3.4 - Data assimilation experiments of temperature and humidity profiles from an international network of ground-based microwave radiometers
(pdf of presentation)
O. Caumont, D. Cimini, U. Löhnert, L. Alados-Arboledas, R. Bleisch, M. E. Ferrario, T. Huet, F. Madonna, A. Haefele, F. Nasir, G. Pace, R. Posada
15:15 M3.5 - The impact of targeted observations on short-range forecast during HyMeX SOP1
(pdf of presentation)
J. Campins, B. Navascués, J. Sánchez, C. Santos
15:30 M3.6 - Development and test of an heterogeneous background error model for convective scale AROME during HyMeX SOP1
(pdf of presentation)
B. Ménétrier, Y. Michel, T. Montmerle, L. Berre

15:45 - 16:45 Poster session 1 & coffee break

16:45 - 17:45 M4 - Heavy Precipitation - microphysics and surface rainfall
Chair: J. Bech
16:45 M4.1 - Calibration of the LIMA 2-moment microphysical scheme based on HyMeX IOP6
(pdf of presentation)
B. Vié, J.-P. Pinty, S. Berthet, M. Leriche
17:00 M4.2 - Supercooled liquid water detection over Candillargues using the TARA radar during SOP1
(pdf of presentation)
L. Pfitzenmaier, Y. Dufournet, M. Cacciani, P. Di Girolamo
17:15 M4.3 - Intercomparison and evaluation of 3-D wind fields derived from airborne and ground-based radars during HyMeX
(pdf of presentation)
O. Bousquet, J. Delanoë
17:30 M4.4 - Spatial interpolation of the raindrop size distribution from point to grid scale
(pdf of presentation)
T. Raupach, A. Berne

19:00 Ice break

Tuesday 16 September 2014
08:30 - 10:00 T1 - Flash-floods
Chair: E.I. Nikolopoulos
08:30 T1.1 - Modeling flash-floods using data coupling between a distributed hydrological model built in JAMS modeling platform and MAGE 1D hydraulic model
(pdf of presentation)
M. Adamovic, F. Branger, I. Braud, S. Kralisch
08:45 T1.2 - Physically-based model of flash-floods at small scale in the Cévennes area
(pdf of presentation)
C. Bouvier, P. Ayral, V. Borrell, P. Brunet, J.F. Didon-Lescot, J.M. Domergue, N. Grard, O. Le Bourgeois, S. N'Guyen, R. Spinelli
09:00 T1.3 - Warn on forecasts for flash-floods in medium Spanish Mediterranean catchments: the HyMeX case of 28 September 2012
(pdf of presentation)
A. Amengual, V. Homar
09:15 T1.4 - Flash-floods forecasting of HyMeX IOP8 with AROME/ISBA-TOP hydrological ensemble prediction system
(pdf of presentation)
B. Vincendon, A. Armengual, H. Dewaele, V. Ducrocq
09:30 T1.5 - The CHROME project: the building of an operational hydrometeorological ensemble to better anticipate flash-floods on French mediterranean rivers
(pdf of presentation)
C. Sorbet, C. de Saint-Aubin, L. Cortes, V. Pourret, A. Marchandise
09:45 T1.6 - Using home movies shared by witnesses to reduce the uncertainty in flash-flood discharge estimates
(pdf of presentation)
R. Le Boursicaud, L. Pénard, A. Hauet, J. Le Coz

10:00 - 10:45 Coffee break

10:45 - 12:00 T2 - Lightning
Chair: E. Defer
10:45 T2.1 - Relationships between total lightning activity, microphysics, and kinematics during the 24 September 2012 HyMeX bow-echo system
(pdf of presentation)
J.-F. Ribaud,O. Bousquet, S. Coquillat, E. Defer, R. Thomas, W. Rison, P. Krehbiel, J.-P. Pinty, V. Ducrocq, D. Lambert
11:00 T2.2 - Investigation of lightning properties during HyMeX SOP1 storms based on distinct observation data sets - First analysis and results
(pdf of presentation)
C. Vergeiner, E. Defer, P. Laroche, W. Rison, P. Krehbiel, R. Thomas, W. Schulz, G. Anderson, S. Pedeboy, F. Malaterre, S. Soula
11:15 T2.3 - Simulation of the electrication process of several storms observed by the HyMeX-LMA lightning flash detector
(pdf of presentation)
J.-P. Pinty, M. Chong, P. Krehbiel, B. Rison, E. Defer
11:30 T2.4 - Acoustic characterization of lightning discharges
(pdf of presentation)
L.-J. Gallin, T. Farges, R. Marchiano, F. Coulouvrat, E. Defer, W. Rison, W. Schulz, M. Nuret
11:45 T2.5 - Predicting lightning activity in Greece with the WRF model
(pdf of presentation)
Th. Giannaros, V. Kotroni, K. Lagouvardos

12:00 - 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 - 15:30 T3 - Dense water formation
Chair: C. Estournel
14:00 T3.1 - Open-sea deep convection in the North-Western Mediterranean: replacing the HyMeX 2012-2013 winter in the past climate variability
(pdf of presentation)
S. Somot, L. Houpert, F. Sevault, X. Durrieu de Madron, A. Bosse, P. Testor, C. Dubois, M. Herrmann, R. Waldman, M.-N. Bouin, C. Cassou
14:15 T3.2 - New knowledge of the variability of the North-Western Mediterranean Sea from observations of the HyMeX/MERMEX EOP/SOPs
(pdf of presentation)
P. Testor, A. Bosse, L. Houpert, F. D’Ortenzio, H. Lavigne, V. Taillandier, P. Conan, L. Mortier, L. Prieur, C. Estournel, L. Coppola, A. Alvarez, R. Onken, J. Tintore
14:30 T3.3 - Ocean deep convection in the Mediterranean Sea: 2012-2013 case study in the Gulf of Lions, from observations to modelling
(pdf of presentation)
R. Waldman, S. Somot, M. Herrmann, F. Sevault
14:45 T3.4 - Monitoring deep convection from space: a multi-sensor approach
(pdf of presentation)
M. Herrmann, F. Birol, C. Estournel, C. Ulses
15:00 T3.5 - Using a numerical glider simulator (SIGLID) to study the deep water convection in the Gulf of Lion during HyMeX's SOP2
(pdf of presentation)
T. Arsouze, P. Testor, B. L'Hévéder, A. Bosse, J. Beuvier
15:15 T3.6 - Dense water formation in the Eastern coastal Adriatic during an extreme cooling event
(pdf of presentation)
I. Vilibic, I. Janekovic, H. Mihanovic, M. Tudor

15:30 - 16:30 Poster session 2 & coffee break

16:30 - 17:45 T4 - Air-sea interaction and strong winds
Chair: C. Lebeaupin-Brossier
16:30 T4.1 - An adjusted 1 year sea surface heat and water budget in the North-Western Mediterranean basin
G. Caniaux, L. Prieur, H. Giordani
16:45 T4.2 - Which parameterization is less problematic for estimating the air-sea turbulent fluxes during HyMeX IOPs?
(pdf of presentation)
M.-N. Bouin, D. Bourras, R. Cambra, D. Legain, L. Baggio, C. Caudoux, G. Bouhours, N. Geyskens, H. Barrois, G. Caniaux, O. Thévenot, I. Taupier-Letage


T4.3 - Air-sea exchanges over the Western Mediterranean Sea using AROME-WMED model during the HyMeX SOP1
(pdf of presentation)
R. Rainaud, C. Lebeaupin-Brossier, V. Ducrocq, H. Giordani, M. Nuret, N. Fourrié, M.-N. Bouin, I. Taupier-Letage, D. Legain
17:15 T4.4 - Computation of high resolution ocean surface fluxes for atmospheric weather practitioners
(pdf of presentation)
C. Galdies, D.N.M. Donoghue
17:30 T4.5 - Downscaling meteorological quantities for waves and storm-surges hind-casts in IncREO project
(pdf of presentation)
E. Bresson, P. Arbogast, A. Kortcheva, D. Paradis, F. Rabier, L. Aouf, P. Ohl, A. Bogatechev, V. Galabov

Wednesday 17 September 2014
08:30 - 10:00 W1 - Regional climate modelling
Chair: S. Somot
08:30 W1.1 - The CMCC regional coupled model system
(pdf of presentation)
L. Cavicchia, A. Sanna, S. Gualdi, P. Oddo, M. Zampieri
08:45 W1.2 - New ocean-atmosphere regional coupled system COSMO-CLM/NEMO-MED12 over the Mediterranean Sea
(pdf of presentation)
B. Ahrens, N. Akhtar, J. Brauch
09:00 W1.3 - Evaluating RegCM4 surface climatology over the Mediterranean
(pdf of presentation)
I. Güttler, Č. Branković, L. Srnec
09:15 W1.4 - Evaluating the variability and trends in simulated river discharges into the Mediterranean
(pdf of presentation)
J. Polcher, W. Ludwig
09:30 W1.5 - Impact of a high resolution Mediterranean Sea on the climate change response over the European and Mediterranean region
(pdf of presentation)
C. Dubois, F. Sevault, S. Somot
09:45 W1.6 - A simulation of the impacts of the incoming tide on the Mediterranean Sea thermohaline circulation and on exchanges at the sea surface
(pdf of presentation)
A.Harzallah, L. Li

10:00 - 10:30 Coffee break

10:30 - 12:00 W2 - Heavy precipitation - water vapour
Chair: N. Kalthoff
10:30 W2.1 - Raman lidar measurements in the frame of the HyMeX SOP1
(pdf of presentation)
P. Di Girolamo, C. Flamant, D. Summa, D. Stelitano, M. Cacciani, P. Chazette, V. Ducrocq, M. Nuret, N. Fourié, E. Richard
10:45 W2.2 - Water vapor observations upstream of two intense rainfall events documented in the framework of HyMeX SOP1
(pdf of presentation)
P. Chazette, C. Flamant, X. Shang, A. Doerenbecher, J. Totems, F. Marnas


W2.3 - A high quality reprocessed dataset of GPS tropospheric delay and integrated water vapour for process studies and assimilation into atmospheric models during HyMeX SOP
(pdf of presentation)
O. Bock, P. Bosser, R. Pacione, J.A. Sánchez Sobrino, M. Nuret, N. Fourrié
11:15 W2.4 - Spatio-temporal evolution of water vapour over the Corsican Island
(pdf of presentation)
B. Adler, N. Kalthoff, M. Kohler, J. Handwerker, A. Wieser, U. Corsmeier, C. Kottmeier, D. Lambert, O. Bock
11:30 W2.5 - Humidity transport pathways within Mediterranean cyclones during HyMeX SOP1
(pdf of presentation)
U. Corsmeier, K.-U. Nerding, J. Campa, L. Röhner
11:45 W2.6 - Mediterranean moisture supply during an extreme precipitation event in the North-Western Mediterranean
(pdf of presentation)
J. Campa, F. Scholder-Aemisegger

12:00 - 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 - 15:30 W3 - Heavy precipitation - microphysics and surface rainfall
Chair: Y. Dufournet
14:00 W3.1 - High resolution polarimetric radar observations in North-East Italian Alps and Southern France during HyMeX SOP 2012 and 2013
(pdf of presentation)
J.A. Kalogiros, M.N. Anagnostou, E.I. Nikolopoulos, E.N. Anagnostou, M. Borga, G. Delrieu, B. Boudevillain, F. Marra, E. Mair, G. Bertoldi, U. Tappeiner
14:15 W3.2 - Analysis of functional forms of drop size distributions using 2D video disdrometers data collected in Central Italy during the HyMeX SOP1.1
(pdf of presentation)
E. Adirosi, L. Baldini, F. Lombardo, A. Tokay, F. Russo, E. Gorgucci, F. Napolitano
14:30 W3.3 - Vertical structure of Mediterranean precipitation during HyMeX special observation periods in 2012 and 2013
(pdf of presentation)
J. Grazioli, A. Berne
14:45 W3.4 - Comparison of MRR and weather radar measurements in Mediterranean precipitation
(pdf of presentation)
A. Berne, J. Pichon, J. Grazioli, T. Raupach, B. Boudevillain
15:00 W3.5 - A 6-year high-resolution rainfall reanalysis based on radar-raingauge merging in the Cévennes-Vivarais region, France
(pdf of presentation)
G. Delrieu, B. Boudevillain, A. Wijbrans, A. Confoland, L. Bonnifait, D. Faure, P.-E. Kirstetter
15:15 W3.6 - Orographic impact on the horizontal and vertical structure of precipitation during SOP1
(pdf of presentation)
J. Zwiebel, J. Van Baelen, S. Anquetin, Y. Pointin, B. Boudevillain

15:30 - 16:30 Poster session 3 & coffee break

16:30 - 17:30 W4 - Dense water formation
Chair: A. Harzallah
16:30 W4.1 - How dense water formation in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea during HyMeX SOP2 is represented in a 1/36°-resolution ocean simulation?
(pdf of presentation)
C. Lebeaupin-Brossier, T. Arsouze, K. Béranger, M-N. Bouin, V. Ducrocq, H. Giordani, M. Nuret
16:45 W4.2 - Impact of the resolution on the circulation, dense water formation and mesoscale processes in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea: comparisons of NEMO-MED12, embedded configurations and observations
(pdf of presentation)
V. Garnier, P. Testor, J. Beuvier, L. Houpert, A. Bosse, L. Mortier, P. Garreau, B. Zakardjtan, Y. Ourmières, J. Marmain, P. Marsaleix, P. Damien, C. Estournel, S. Somot, K. Béranger
17:00 W4.3 - MEDRYS1: a new Mediterranean Sea reanalysis over 1992-2013
(pdf of presentation)
J. Beuvier, M. Hamon, J.-M. Lellouche, E. Greiner, A. Alias, T. Arsouze, M. Benkiran, K. Béranger, Y. Drillet, F. Sevault, S. Somot
17:15 W4.4 - A multiplatform fine scale 3D analysis of the North-Western Mediterranean during the HyMeX/ASICS experiment. Application to dense water formation
(pdf of presentation)
H. Giordani, P. Testor, L. Coppola, L. Prieur, I. Taupier-Letage, M.-N. Bouin, G. Caniaux, C. Lebeaupin-Brossier, M. Herrmann, F. D’Ortenzio

18:00 Departure for Mdina

19:45 Mdina tour and gala dinner

Thursday 18 September 2014
08:30 - 10:15 Th1 - Heavy precipitation - process studies
Chair: S. Davolio
08:30 Th1.1 - Disentangling the low predictability related to Hurricane Nadine during SOP1
(pdf of presentation)
F. Pantillon, J.-P. Chaboureau, E. Richard
08:45 Th1.2 - Deep convective clouds and convective overshootings characterization during HyMeX SOP1: a multi-instrument approach
(pdf of presentation)
J.-F. Rysman, C. Claud, B. Funatsu, JP Chaboureau, J. Delanoë, O. Bousquet
09:00 Th1.3 - Fine-scale analysis of the physical processes involved in IOP13 convection
(pdf of presentation)
F. Duffourg, O. Nuissier
09:15 Th1.4 - Model studies of heavy precipitation events in the Western Mediterranean during the HyMeX campaign (2012)
(pdf of presentation)
L. Röhner
09:30 Th1.5 - Modelling case study of a high precipitation event over Corsica
(pdf of presentation)
P. Scheffknecht, D. Lambert, E. Richard


Th1.6 - Convection and extreme rainfall during the development of two intense Mediterranean cyclones in the HyMeX campaign
(pdf of presentation)
E. Flaounas, V. Kotroni, K. Lagouvardos, C. Claud, J. Delanoë, C. Flamant, E. Madonna, H. Wernli
10:00 Th1.7 - When and where are Mediterranean heavy rain events sensitive to atmosphere-ocean coupled processes?
(pdf of presentation)
S. Berthou, S. Mailler, P. Drobinski, T. Arsouze, S. Bastin, K. Béranger, C. Lebeaupin-Brossier

10:15 - 10:45 Coffee break

10:45 - 12:00 Th2 - Societal and economic impacts
Chair: C. Llasat
10:45 Th2.1 - The flash-flood of November 2013 in NE Sardinia (Italy): post-event documentation and hydrological modelling
(pdf of presentation)
M. Borga, L. Marchi, E.I. Nikolopoulos, F. Marra, S. Crema, M. Niedda, M. Pirastru, W. Amponsah
11:00 Th2.2 - Forecasting the impacts of flash-floods on inhabited areas at a regional scale: first tests based on the estimation of discharge - impacts curves
(pdf of presentation)
G. Le Bihan, O. Payrastre, F. Pons, E. Gaume
11:15 Th2.3 - The November 2013 transnational damaging event: causes and effects in Catalonia, Calabria and Balearic Islands
(pdf of presentation)
O. Petrucci, M.C. Llasat, M. Llasat-Botija, A.A. Pasqua, J. Rosselló
11:30 Th2.4 - Assessing daily commuters’ exposure to flash flooding in the Gard area
(pdf of presentation)
S. Shabou, S. Debionne, I. Ruin, J.-D. Creutin, C. Lutoff
11:45 Th2.5 - A bottom-up approach to historical floods characterization
(pdf of presentation)
M.C. Llasat, O. Petrucci, J. Gilabert, A.A. Pasqua, M. Llasat-Botija, R. Marcos, M. Turco, P. Quintana-Segui, J. Rosselló

12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break

13:30 - 14:30 Program information and discussion
V. Ducrocq, P. Drobinski

14:30 - 15:30 Th3 - Ensemble prediction
Chair: V. Homar
14:30 Th3.1 - Ensemble forecasting activities during SOP1: a comparison between convection-permitting ensemble systems
(pdf of presentation)
O. Nuissier, A. Hally, B. Vincendon, C. Marsigli, A. Montani, T. Paccagnella
14:45 Th3.2 - γ-SREPS: AEMET new mesoscale ensemble prediction system
(pdf of presentation)
A. Callado, P. Escriba, J. A. Garcia-Moya, C. Santos
15:00 Th3.3 - Multi-model ensemble hydrometeorological modelling of the 4 November 2011 Genoa, Italy flash flood in the framework of the DRIHM project
(pdf of presentation)
A. Hally, O. Caumont, O. Nuissier, V. Ducrocq, É. Richard, J. Escobar, A. Parodi, N. Rebora,E. Fiori, F. Delogu, F. Pintus, A. Clematis, D. D'Agostino, A. Galizia, A. Quarati, E. Danovaro, L. Garrote, M. C. Llasat, Q. Harpham, H. R. A. Jagers, A. Weerts, A. Tafferner, C. Forster, V. Dimitrijević, L. Dekić, A. Mihalović, M. Ivković, R. Hooper
15:15 Th3.4 - A study of the «economic» value of AROME-EPS for high precipitation events during HyMeX SOP1
(pdf of presentation)
E. Chabot, F. Bouttier

15:30 - 16:30 Poster session 4 & coffee break

16:30 - 17:30 Th4 - Regional climate modelling
Chair: S. Gualdi
16:30 Th4.1 - Representation of Heavy Precipitation Events over the Western Mediterranean region in regional climate models
(pdf of presentation)
G. Fosser, R. Roehrig, O. Nuissier, C. Dubois, S. Somot
16:45 Th4.2 - Mistral and its Siblings in RCMs
(pdf of presentation)
A. Obermann, B. Ahrens
17:00 Th4.3 - Resolution analysis of LMDZ physics on the January 1995 medicane case
(pdf of presentation)
L. Fita Borrell, P. Drobinski, F. Hourdin, L. Fairhead
17:15 Th4.4 - Temperature/precipitation extreme relationship in North-Western Mediterranean: HyMeX/MED-CORDEX simulation and observation analysis
(pdf of presentation)
P. Drobinski, B. Alonzo, S. Bastin, N. Da Sliva, C. Muller

Poster sessions

Poster session 1 - Monday 15 september 2014
  • P1.0: The HyMeX database
    G. Brissebrat, N. Belmahfoud, J.-L. Boichard, S. Cloché, T. Delacour, L. Fleury, L. Labatut, L. Mastrorillo, A. Mière, K. Ramage

Poster session 2 - Tuesday 16 september 2014

Poster session 3 - Wednesday 17 september 2014

Poster session 4 - Thursday 18 september 2014
  • P4.16: First results on wind conditions in the North-Western Mediterranean basin observed by a network of wind profiler radars.
    F. Saïd, B. Campistron, D. Lambert , H. Delbarre, M. Abadie, J.A. Aranda , E. Bargain, F. Besson, Y. Bezombes, J.L. Boichard, J.L. Bourrian, O. Bousquet, G. Canut, G. Cherel, S. Derrien, A. Doerenbecher, J.M. Donier, T. Douffet, P. Durand, J.B. Estrampes, A. Ezcurra, A. Frappier, J.A. Garcia-Moya , O. Garrouste, J.A. Guijarro, R. Guillot, C. Hervier, J.L. Jouve, J. Lovichi, M. Macaigne, M. M. Maruri, B. Piguet, E. Pique, Y Pointin, S. Prieur, E. Richard, C. Ruffin-Soler, A. Sokolov, D. Subra, J. Torres, M. Turp

HyMeX Science Team and side-event meetings

Monday 15 september 2014
  • 14:15-15:45 - FP7/EartH2Observe project meeting
    chairs: P. Quintana-Segui and P. Drobinski 
  • 16:30-18:00 – Dense water Formation Science Team meeting
    chairs: H. Giordani, M. Herrmann, P. Testor

Tuesday 16 september 2014
  • 9h30-12h - Regional climate modelling science team meeting
    chair: S. Somot
  • 12:30-14:00 - Joint meeting of science teams : Water vapour, Microphysics, IOPrain
    chairs: S. Anquetin, S. Davolio, Y. Dufournet, P. Di Girolamo, N. Kalthoff, E. Richard
  • 14h00-15h30 - Lightning science team meeting
    chairs: E. Defer, K. Lagouvardos

Wednesday 17 september 2014
  • 10:30-12:00 - Flash-floods science team meeting
    chair: I. Braud
  • 12:30-14:00 - Joint meeting of science teams : Water vapour, Microphysics, IOPrain
    chairs: S. Anquetin, S. Davolio, Y. Dufournet, P. Di Girolamo, N. Kalthoff, E. Richard
  • 14:00-15:30 – Air-sea coupling science team meeting
    chairs: M.N. Bouin, C. Lebeaupin-Brossier, A. Wieser
  • 16:30-17:30 - Joint meeting of science teams : Water vapour, Microphysics, IOPrain
    chairs: S. Anquetin, S. Davolio, Y. Dufournet, P. Di Girolamo, N. Kalthoff, E. Richard

Thursday 18 september 2014
  • 10:30-12:00 - Meeting of the science team on data assimilation and ensemble prediction systems
    chairs: N. Fourrié, V. Homar, Y. Michel
  • 14:30-16:00 – Vulnerability science team meeting
    chairs: C. Llasat, O. Petrucci

HyMeX database
  • The HyMeX database team will be present during all the workshop at a dedicated stand